.NET Data Directories


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Managed executables (applications written using a .NET language) contain an extra data directory in the optional header of the PE file format. This small data directory contains a header which is also known as the CLR 2.0 header, and references other structures such as the metadata directory, raw data for manifest resources and sometimes an extra native header in the case of mixed mode applications or zapped (ngen’ed) applications.

.NET directory / CLR 2.0 header

The .NET data directory can be accessed by the IPEImage.DotNetDirectory property.

IPEImage peImage = ...

Console.WriteLine("Managed entry point: {0:X8}", peImage.DotNetDirectory.EntryPoint);

Metadata directory

The metadata data directory is perhaps the most important data directory that is referenced by the .NET directory. It contains the metadata streams, such as the table and the blob stream, which play a key role in the execution of a .NET binary.

To access the metadata directory, access the IDotNetDirectory.Metadata property, which will provide you an instance of the IMetadata interface:

var metadata = peImage.DotNetDirectory.Metadata;

Console.WriteLine("Metadata file format version: {0}.{1}", metadata.MajorVersion, metadata.MinorVersion);
Console.WriteLine("Target .NET runtime version: " + metadata.VersionString);

Metadata streams

The IMetadata interface also exposes the Streams property, a list of IMetadataStream instances.

foreach (var stream in metadata.Streams)
    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + stream.Name);

Alternatively, it is possible to get a stream by its name using the GetStream(string) shortcut:

var stringsStream = metadata.GetStream("#Strings");

Or grab the stream by its type:

var stringsStream = metadata.GetStream<StringsStream>();

AsmResolver supports parsing streams using the names in the table below. Any stream with a different name will be converted to a CustomMetadataStream.

Name Class
#~ #- #Schema TablesStream
#Blob BlobStream
#GUID GuidStream
#Strings StringsStream
#US UserStringsStream

Some streams support reading the raw contents using a BinaryStreamReader. Effectively, every stream that was read from the disk is readable in this way. Below is an example of a program that dumps for each readable stream the contents to a file on the disk:

// Iterate over all readable streams.
foreach (var stream in metadata.Streams.Where(s => s.CanRead))
    // Create a reader that reads the raw contents of the stream.
    var reader = stream.CreateReader();

    // Write the contents to the disk.
    File.WriteAllBytes(stream.Name + ".bin", reader.ReadToEnd());

The Streams property is mutable. You can add new streams, or remove existing streams:

// Create a new stream with the contents 1, 2, 3, 4.
var data = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4};
var newStream = new CustomMetadataStream("#Custom", data);

// Add the stream to the metadata directory.

// Remove it again.
metadata.Streams.RemoveAt(metadata.Streams.Count - 1);

Blob, Strings, US and GUID streams

The blob, strings, user-strings and GUID streams are all very similar in the sense that they all provide a storage for data referenced by the tables stream. Each of these streams has a very similar API in AsmResolver.

Class Method
BlobStream GetBlobByIndex
GuidStream GetGuidByIndex
StringsStream GetStringByIndex
UserStringsStream GetStringByIndex


var stringsStream = metadata.GetStream<StringsStream>();
string value = stringsStream.GetStringByIndex(0x1234);

Since blobs in the blob stream have a specific format, just obtaining the byte[] of a blob might not be all that useful. Therefore, the BlobStream has an extra GetBlobReaderByIndex method, that allows for parsing each blob using an BinaryStreamReader object instead. If performance is critical, the GetBlobReaderByIndex method is preferred over GetBlobByIndex, as this method also avoids an allocation of a temporary buffer as well.

var blobStream = metadata.GetStream<BlobStream>();
if (blobStream.TryGetBlobReaderByIndex(0x1234, out var reader))
    // Use reader to parse the blob signature ...

Tables stream

The tables stream (#~, #- or #Schema) is the main stream stored in the .NET binary. It provides tables for all members defined in the assembly, as well as all references that the assembly uses. The tables stream is represented by the TablesStream class and can be obtained in the same way as any other metadata stream:

TablesStream tablesStream = metadata.GetStream<TablesStream>();

Metadata tables are represented by the IMetadataTable interface. Individal tables can be accessed using the ``GetTable` method:

IMetadataTable typeDefTable = tablesStream.GetTable(TableIndex.TypeDef);

Tables can also be obtained by their row type:

MetadataTable<TypeDefinitionRow> typeDefTable = tablesStream.GetTable<TypeDefinitionRow>();

The latter option is the preferred option, as it allows for a more type-safe interaction with the table as well and avoids boxing of each row in the table. Each metadata table is associated with its own row structure. Below a table of all row definitions:

Table index Name (as per specification) AsmResolver row structure name
0 Module ModuleDefinitionRow
1 TypeRef TypeReferenceRow
2 TypeDef TypeDefinitionRow
3 FieldPtr FieldPointerRow
4 Field FieldDefinitionRow
5 MethodPtr MethodPointerRow
6 Method MethodDefinitionRow
7 ParamPtr ParameterPointerRow
8 Param ParameterDefinitionRow
9 InterfaceImpl InterfaceImplementationRow
10 MemberRef MemberReferenceRow
11 Constant ConstantRow
12 CustomAttribute CustomAttributeRow
13 FieldMarshal FieldMarshalRow
14 DeclSecurity SecurityDeclarationRow
15 ClassLayout ClassLayoutRow
16 FieldLayout FieldLayoutRow
17 StandAloneSig StandAloneSignatureRow
18 EventMap EventMapRow
19 EventPtr EventPointerRow
20 Event EventDefinitionRow
21 PropertyMap PropertyMapRow
22 PropertyPtr PropertyPointerRow
23 Property PropertyDefinitionRow
24 MethodSemantics MethodSemanticsRow
25 MethodImpl MethodImplementationRow
26 ModuleRef ModuleReferenceRow
27 TypeSpec TypeSpecificationRow
28 ImplMap ImplementatinoMappingRow
29 FieldRva FieldRvaRow
30 EncLog EncLogRow
31 EncMap EncMapRow
32 Assembly AssemblyDefinitionRow
33 AssemblyProcessor AssemblyProcessorRow
34 AssemblyOS AssemblyOSRow
35 AssemblyRef AssemblyReferenceRow
36 AssemblyRefProcessor AssemblyRefProcessorRow
37 AssemblyRefOS AssemblyRefOSRow
38 File FileReferenceRow
39 ExportedType ExportedTypeRow
40 ManifestResource ManifestResourceRow
41 NestedClass NestedClassRow
42 GenericParam GenericParamRow
43 MethodSpec MethodSpecificationRow
44 GenericParamConstraint GenericParamConstraintRow

Metadata tables are similar to normal ICollection<T> instances. They provide enumerators, indexers and methods to add or remove rows from the table.

Console.WriteLine("Number of types: " + typeDefTable.Count);

// Get a single row.
TypeDefinitionRow firstTypeRow = typeDefTable[0];

// Iterate over all rows:
foreach (var typeRow in typeDefTable)
    // ...

Members can also be accessed by their RID using the GetByRid or TryGetByRid helper functions:

TypeDefinitionRow thirdTypeRow = typeDefTable.GetByRid(3);

Using the other metadata streams, it is possible to resolve all columns. Below an example that prints the name and namespace of each type row in the type definition table in a file.

// Load PE image.
var peImage = PEImage.FromFile(@"C:\file.exe");

// Obtain relevant streams.
var metadata = peImage.DotNetDirectory.Metadata;
var tablesStream = metadata.GetStream<TablesStream>();
var stringsStream = metadata.GetStream<StringsStream>();

// Go over each type definition in the file.
var typeDefTable = tablesStream.GetTable<TypeDefinitionRow>();
foreach (var typeRow in typeDefTable)
    // Resolve name and namespace columns using the #Strings stream.
    string ns = stringsStream.GetStringByIndex(typeRow.Namespace);
    string name = stringsStream.GetStringByIndex(typeRow.Name);

    // Print name and namespace:
    Console.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns) ? name : $"{ns}.{name}");

Method and FieldRVA

Every row structure defined in AsmResolver respects the specification described by the CLR itself. However, there are two exceptions to this rule, and those are the Method and FieldRVA rows. According to the specification, both of these rows have an RVA column that references a segment in the original PE file. Since this second layer of abstraction attempts to abstract away any file offset or virtual address, these columns are replaced with properties called Body and Data respectively, both of type ISegmentReference instead.

ISegmentReference exposes a method CreateReader(), which automatically resolves the RVA that was stored in the row, and creates a new input stream that can be used to parse e.g. method bodies or field data.

Reading method bodies:

Reading a managed CIL method body can be done using CilRawMethodBody.FromReader method:

var methodTable = tablesStream.GetTable<MethodDefinitionRow>();
var firstMethod = methodTable[0];
var methodBody = CilRawMethodBody.FromReader(firstMethod.Body.CreateReader());

It is important to note that the user is not bound to use CilRawMethodBody. In the case that the Native (0x0001) flag is set in MethodDefinitionRow.ImplAttributes, the implementation of the method body is not written in CIL, but using native code that uses an instruction set dependent on the platform that this application is targeting. Since the bounds of such a method body is not always well-defined, AsmResolver does not do any parsing on its own. However, using the CreateReader() method, it is still possible to decode instructions from this method body, using a custom instruction decoder.

Reading field data:

Reading field data can be done in a similar fashion as reading method bodies. Again use the CreateReader() method to gain access to the raw data of the initial value of the field referenced by a FieldRVA row.

var fieldRvaTable = tablesStream.GetTable<FieldRvaRow>();
var firstRva = fieldRvaTable[0];
var reader = firstRva.Data.CreateReader();

Creating new segment references:

Creating new segment references not present in the current PE image yet can be done using the ISegment.ToReference() extension method:

var myData = new DataSegment(new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4});
var fieldRva = new FieldRvaRow(myData.ToReference(), 0);

TypeReference Hash (TRH)

Similar to the Import Hash, the TypeReference Hash (TRH) can be used to help identify malware families written in a .NET language. However, unlike the Import Hash, the TRH is based on the names of all imported type references instead of the symbols specified in the imports directory of the PE. This is a more accurate representation for .NET images, as virtually every .NET image only uses one native symbol (either mscoree.dll!_CorExeMain or mscoree.dll!_CorDllMain).

AsmResolver includes a built-in implementation for this that is based on the reference implementation provided by GData. The hash can be obtained using the GetTypeReferenceHash extension method on IPEImage or on IMetadata:

IPEImage image = ...
byte[] hash = image.GetTypeReferenceHash();
IMetadata metadata = ...
byte[] hash = metadata.GetTypeReferenceHash();