Exports Directory


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Dynamically linked libraries (DLLs) often expose symbols through defining exports in the exports directory.

The IPEImage interface exposes the Exports property, exposing a mutable instance of ExportDirectory, which defines the following properties:

  • Name: The name of the dynamically linked library.
  • BaseOrdinal: The base ordinal of all exported symbols.
  • Entries: A list of exported symbols.

Exported symbols are represented using the ExportedSymbol class, which defines:

  • Name: The name of the exported symbol. If this value is null, the symbol is exported by ordinal rather than by name.
  • Ordinal: The ordinal of the exported symbol. This property is automatically updated when BaseOrdinal of the parent directory is updated.
  • Address: A reference to the segment representing the symbol.
    • For exported functions, this reference points to the first instruction that is executed.
    • For exported fields, this reference points to the first byte of data that this field consists of.


Below is an example of a program that lists all symbols exported by a given IPEImage instance:

foreach (var symbol in peImage.Exports.Entries)
    Console.WriteLine("Ordinal: " + symbol.Ordinal);
    if (symbol.IsByName)
        Console.WriteLine("Name: " + symbol.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("Address: " + symbol.Address.Rva.ToString("X8"));