Debug Directory


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The debug data directory is used in portable executables to store compiler-generated debug information. In most cases, this information is a reference to a Program Debug Database (.pdb) file.

The relevant classes for this article are stored in the following namespace:

using AsmResolver.PE.Debug;

The Debug Data Entries

The IPEImage exposes all debug information through the DebugData property. This is a list of DebugDataEntry, providing access to the type of debug data, as well as the version and raw contents of the data that is stored.

foreach (var entry in image.DebugData)
    Console.WriteLine("Debug Data Type: {0}", entry.Contents.Type);
    Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}.{1}", entry.MajorVersion, entry.MinorVersion);
    Console.WriteLine("Data start: {0:X8}", entry.Contents.Rva);

Depending on the type of the debug data entry, the Contents property will be modeled using different implementations of IDebugDataSegment.


If a PE contains debug data using an unsupported or unrecognized format, then the contents will be modeled with a CustomDebugDataSegment instance instead, which exposes the raw contents as an ISegment.


Currently, AsmResolver only has rich support for CodeView debug data.

CodeView Data

CodeView data is perhaps the most common form of debug data that can appear in a portable executable. It is emitted by a lot of compilers, such as the Visual C++ compiler, and is also used by many .NET languages such as C# and VB.NET. CodeView data is modelled using implementations of the CodeViewDataSegment abstract class.

if (entry.Contents.Type == DebugDataType.CodeView)
    var codeViewData = (CodeViewDataSegment) entry.Contents;

There are various formats used by CodeView data segments, and this format is decided by the Signature property of the CodeViewDataSegment class. The most common format used in a CodeView segment, is the RSDS segment. This format stores a path to the Program Debug Database (*.pdb) file that is associated to the image.

if (codeViewData.Signature == CodeViewSignature.Rsds)
    var rsdsData = (RsdsDataSegment) data;
    Console.WriteLine("PDB Path: {0}", rsdsData.Path);