PE File Building


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An IPEImage is a higher-level abstraction of an actual PE file, and hides many of the actual implementation details such as raw section layout and contents of data directories. While this makes reading and interpreting a PE very easy, it makes writing a more involved process.

Unfortunately, the PE file format is not well-structured. Compilers and linkers have a lot of freedom when it comes to the actual design and layout of the final PE file. For example, one compiler might place the Import Address Table (IAT) in a separate section (such as the MSVC), while others will put it next to the code in the text section (such as the C# compiler). This degree of freedom makes it virtually impossible to make a completely generic PE file builder, and as such AsmResolver does not come with one out of the box.

It is still possible to build PE files from instances of IPEImage, it might just take more manual labor than you might expect at first. This article will discuss certain strategies that can be adopted when constructing new PE files from PE images.

Building Sections

As discussed in PE Sections, the PESection class represents a single section in the PE file. This class exposes a property called Contents which is of type ISegment. A lot of models in AsmResolver implement this interface, and as such, these models can directly be used as the contents of a new section.

var peFile = new PEFile();

var text = new PESection(".text",
    SectionFlags.ContentCode | SectionFlags.MemoryRead | SectionFlags.MemoryExecute);
text.Content = new DataSegment(new byte[] { ... } );

In a lot of cases, however, sections do not consist of a single data structure, but often comprise many segments concatenated together, potentially with some padding in between. To compose new segments from a collection of smaller sub-segments structures, the SegmentBuilder class can be used. This is a class that combines a collection of ISegment instances into one, allowing you to concatenate segments that belong together easily. Below an example that builds up a .text section that consists of a .NET data directory as well as some native code. In the example, the native code is aligned to a 4-byte boundary:

var peFile = new PEFile();

var textBuilder = new SegmentBuilder();
textBuilder.Add(new DotNetDirectory { ... });
textBuilder.Add(new DataSegment(new byte[] { ... } ), alignment: 4);

var text = new PESection(".text",
    SectionFlags.ContentCode | SectionFlags.MemoryRead | SectionFlags.MemoryExecute);
text.Content = sectionBuilder;


PE files can also be patched using the PatchedSegment API. Below is an example of patching some data in the .text section of a PE File with some literal data {1, 2, 3, 4}, as well as writing an address to a symbol in the imports table:

var peFile = PEFile.FromFile("input.exe");
var section = peFile.Sections.First(s => s.Name == ".text");

var someSymbol = peImage
   .Imports.First(m => m.Name == "ucrtbased.dll")
   .Symbols.First(s => s.Name == "puts");

section.Contents = section.Contents.AsPatchedSegment()                      // Create patched segment.
   .Patch(offset: 0x10, data: new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4})                      // Apply literal bytes patch
   .Patch(offset: 0x20, AddressFixupType.Absolute64BitAddress, someSymbol); // Apply address fixup patch.

More detailed information on how to use segments can be found in Reading and Writing File Segments.

Using complex PE models

The PE file format defines many complex data structures. While some of these models are represented in AsmResolver using classes that derive from ISegment, a lot of the classes that represent these data structures do not implement this interface, and as such cannot be used as a value for the Contents property of a PESection directly. This is due to the fact that most of these models are not required to be one single entity or chunk of continuous memory within the PE file. Instead, they are often scattered around the PE file by a compiler. For example, the Import Directory has a second component the Import Address Table which is often put in a completely different PE section (usually .text or .data) than the Import Directory itself (in .idata or .rdata). To make reading and interpreting these data structures more convenient for the end-user, the AsmResolver.PE package adopted some design choices to abstract these details away to make things more natural to work with. The downside of this is that writing these structures requires you to specify where AsmResolver should place these models in the final PE file.

In AsmResolver.PE, most models for which is the case reside in their own namespace, and have their own set of classes dedicated to constructing new segments defined in a Builder sub-namespace. For example, the Win32 resources directory models reside in AsmResolver.PE.Win32Resources, but the actual builder classes are put in a sub namespace called AsmResolver.PE.Win32Resources.Builder.

IPEImage image = ...

// Construct a resources directory.
var resources = new ResourceDirectoryBuffer();

var file = new PEFile();

// Place in a read-only section.
var rsrc = new PESection(".rsrc", SectionFlags.MemoryRead | SectionFlags.ContentInitializedData);
rsrc.Contents = resources;

A more complicated structure such as the Imports Directory can be build like the following:

IPEImage image = ...

// Construct an imports directory.
var buffer = new ImportDirectoryBuffer();
foreach (var module in image.Imports)

var file = new PEFile();

// Place import directory in a read-only section.
var rdata = new PESection(".rdata", SectionFlags.MemoryRead | SectionFlags.ContentInitializedData);
rdata.Contents = buffer;

// Place the IAT in a writable section.
var data = new PESection(".data", SectionFlags.MemoryRead | SectionFlags.MemoryWrite | SectionFlags.ContentInitializedData);
data.Contents = buffer.ImportAddressDirectory;

Using PEFileBuilders

As a lot of the PE file-building process will be similar for many types of PE file layouts (such as the construction of the file and optional headers), AsmResolver comes with a base class called PEFileBuilderBase that abstracts many of these similarities away. Rather than defining and building up everything yourself, the PEFileBuilderBase allows you to override a couple of methods:

public class MyPEFileBuidler : PEFileBuilderBase<MyBuilderContext>
    protected override MyBuilderContext CreateContext(IPEImage image) => new();

    protected override uint GetFileAlignment(PEFile peFile, IPEImage image, MyBuilderContext context) => 0x200;

    protected override uint GetSectionAlignment(PEFile peFile, IPEImage image, MyBuilderContext context) => 0x2000;

    protected override uint GetImageBase(PEFile peFile, IPEImage image, MyBuilderContext context) => 0x00400000;

    protected override IEnumerable<PESection> CreateSections(IPEImage image, MyBuilderContext context)
        /* Create sections here */

    protected override IEnumerable<DataDirectory> CreateDataDirectories(PEFile peFile, IPEImage image, MyBuilderContext context)
        /* Create data directories here */

public class MyBuilderContext
    /* Define here additional state data to be used in your builder. */

This can then be used like the following:

IPEImage image = ...

var builder = new MyPEFileBuilder();
PEFile file = builder.CreateFile(image);